Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumkin Carving Time!

I can't believe it is that time of year again. This year we had some trouble finding pumpkins. We went all over the place last weekend and everywhere seemed to be sold out. We finally had success at good old Smith's. They had loads of them so if you are in the same bind check there because they let me go in the back and they had a bunch. The kids love carving and , "digging out the guts" as they would say. It is a messy task and so Rob takes them into the garage for this messy task (so don't mind the messy garage pics). One of the first years we carved pumpkins my dad (Tots) was her and he roasted the pumpkin seeds and so now every year my kids expect me to do the same. Yeah they are tasty but man is it a messy job. Thanks tots for passing along the tradition and the job to mom.... By the way Tots you will be here to roast the seeds next year right ? :) Hallie had fun as they put the seeds in the bowl she had her own spoon and so she mad sure they were good and stirred. Jonah was the monitor, he made sure everything was getting done. He did not want to stick his hand in the pumpkin it kind of creeped him out. Mackay helped with everything, he pretty much had his own pumpkin under control. From gutting to carving the boy was trying it all. Big thanks to daddy the pumpkins turned out great.


Jaimers said...

Fun! I love Halloween! I need to post up so much stuff!! Happy Birthday, Jonah! x

The Hoffmans said...

Cute pumpkins! I cant believe how big the kids are! Tell Jonah Auntie Doda Uncle J, and Hunter Ooops say Happy Birthday!