Saturday, October 31, 2009

On Halloween night 5 years ago........

at 3:03 a.m. to be exact Jonah was born. I can't believe our little Jonsey is 5 years old. This year GI Jonah and a few of his other GI friends rendezvoused for a top secret mission which was located at the military base other wise known as the bowling alley. Jonah always likes to have a very themed and sort of costume party. This year we had all of the kids bowling in little army helmets it was pretty cute. Here is
Jonah's 5 year old interview :

Favorite color: green
Favorite food: pepperoni pizza
What do you want to be when you grow up? A garbage man (Say what?)
Favorite thing to play? With his new Bat Cave
Favorite show to watch? Spiderman Spectacular
What sports do you like? Soccer
What things do you like to do around the house? Play in the backyard
What do you like to wear? Anything with Super hero’s on it and his Sketcher z strap shoes
Where are some of your favorite places to go? “To my friends”
What things make you happy? “When I get tickled”

We are so glad to have Jonah in our family he such a blessing to have around. Happy Birthday and we love you!


Jaimers said...

Happy Birthday Jonesy!! Looks fab! Love the interview idea, too...I'm totally going to steal that! xx

Dorey said...

Hey Mandi! This looks so fun. I'm sure the kids loved it. =)

Your little family is so cute. =)