Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hallie's First Airplane Ride

Going out to South Carolina was Hallie's first time on a plane. She did very well going out there. The way home, well it was another story. She wanted to get of my lap and walk around and so she was not too happy. It seems that every plane ride we get sat next to some random person. For instance on the way there this time we sat across from a lady with 2 cats shoved in a duffel bag that were meowing the whole way (annoying). Luckily on the way home we were next to a 7 year old boy. I was so embarrassed because I am sure we were classified as the annoying ones because Hallie was screaming. Plane rides are always exciting. Jonah and Mackay's first flights were to Salt Lake City and again we were probably the annoying ones. I was flying by myself with the boys on this little plan and we were seated at the front of the plane. Mackay stood on the seat and turned to the back of the plane and yelled out, " Are you all ready to blast off?" Then at the end of the flight the lady across from us started to look ill and asked for a barf bag just to be sure. Well just as she asked for the barf bag I could smell this horrible stench and I thought to myself Jonah had a dirty diaper and if this lady smells it, it will probably make her puke. So I start checking pants and Mackay yells out," Mom, chill out I just tooted." Needless to say I was so embarrassed but everyone was laughing. Anyways my point is Airplane rides are always an adventure.


Jacob and Mindy T. said...

LOL Your kids are so funny! LOVE IT! I'm sure you get embarrassed but I truly LOVE the stories.

Elizabeth Dover said...

That is a funny story. Plane rides are so hard with little ones.

The Hoffmans said...

Well I am a little nervous for Hunters first plane ride and doing it all by myself but it will be worth it! See ya in September!