So today I took Mackay to meet his teacher. There were so many people there we had to fark (in Katie and Mandi language this means to park far away from your destination) like a block away in the dirt and on a slope. Anyways I took him in and we found his desk and said hello to his teacher. So anyways I was feeling a little weepy at the thought that my baby is starting kindergarten already. I was good though I was able to hold back the tears, come Monday I may not be able to. We go back out to the van and I try to pull out and it wouldn't move. I was putting the pedal to the metal and it was just spinning out dirt. Then I tried to reverse same thing. I panic and called Rob. He asked me if the dirt was to the axle. I got down on my knees to look and it wasn't. He said " I do not understand how you were stuck?" Well I did not either. Kayleen was parked right next to me and I saw her coming back towards her car. I yelled "Kayleen I am stuck!" A man and his wife heard me yell this and so they came over. The man said, "I will push you while you reverse and then you can go forward." So I again put the pedal to the metal in reverse while this man is pushing my van. Again it will not budge. Then his wife says, "Maybe you should release your emergency brake." "What a brilliant idea", I said. I was so embarrassed! So I guess I was not really stuck. I wanted to cry again for the second time today. This day has been an emotional roller coaster.
LOL!! I'm sorry to laugh Mandi, but you are gonna look back and laugh. I think we have ALL had those kind of days. There probably isn't much chance of seeing those people again, so no big deal...what did Rob think when you told him? LOL Sorry Mandi!
That is so funny and is so something I would do. I am so glad our kids are going to be in the same class.
Umm, yes you are definatly spacey, but I find it entertaining! Tell bubs to call me and tell me about school.
I only wish I could've been there. Not only becuase I love to fark, but because The look one your face after the lady said to check the e-brake, would've been something I could cherish for ever and ever.
Oh Mandi, I am so sorry... It sounds like the type of thing to happen to me too. I am glad it wasn't something too hard to fix though ;). Last year we (the relief society) had a brunch the first day of school to help get our minds off of our babies. Do you remember? We didn't do that this year, huh, it would have been fun to do something together maybe. Oh well it's kind of last minute now to be planning something isn't? Maybe we should all get together anyways.
Sweetie, you are allowed to to do that! It will be fine...and Mackay will have a great time learning! Can't wait to hear about his first day.
PS-I love yours and Katie's word "fark". Clever!
I'm seriously still laughing! When you called me right in the middle and said "summer, I'm stuck" and I asked why and you said you didn't know, i was a little worried! But when you called me back half laughing half crying, I just couldn't help but do the laughing with ya. Even jon got a kick out of the story! Love it :)
That's hilarious! I once couldn't start the car at the dentists office and I had all these men helping me push it and start it with jumper cables and they couldn't understand why the battery was still dead. Then, I reached in my pocket and discovered that the key I was using was just one that opened the doors. I didn't say a word, and much too everyone's amazement when they jumped it this time it started with no problem!
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